Our ultrasound to find out the sex of the baby was at 7 am yesterday morning. It was so nice to have the whole family there to see her for the first time. We made the poor ultrasound technician triple check that it was a girl. She said she was confident it was indeed a GIRL!! I cried tears of joy!! I still can't believe it is true!! It is still so surreal to me.
The ultrasound was really clear and you could really see all of her cute little parts!! She was holding her foot and moving around like crazy in there! The boys loved to hear her heartbeat so she let them hear it twice!! TJ is excited too!! He made us pina coladas last night to celebrate!!
We are still trying to figure out a name. Right now we are throwing around Scarlett and Bella. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!! I will put a poll up for girl names on the blog when I figure it out!! Yay!!! It's a girl!!!!