My apologies! I know it has been a while since Halloween but we have been so busy this month that the time just flew by.
Here are some of our favorite memories from Halloween...
Carving Pumpkins with the Christiansen family. Love those guys. This is our new tradition!

The final products.....

Helping out for Marshall's school Halloween party...
There is Marshall (Boba Fett) with some of his buddies from school.

This is him with one of his favorite buddies from school, Alex. These two were inseparable for the first few months of school. Alex broke his arm, and Mrs. Coe asked Marshall to be Alex's helper. Marshall loved it. He got to cut for him, help him wash his hands, etc. etc.

This is Alex trying to take Marshall's helmet off. There are very few pictures I have where Alex is not either lifting up Marshall or pulling on his costume etc. They are waiting in line for the parade.

Since I organized the Halloween party I dressed up as Padme from Star Wars to match Marshall's Boba Fett costume. The kids in his class loved it, and most new who I was!!

I don't know who had more fun, me or Marshall!! LOL!!!

Halloween Night....
Before we went trick-or treating we went to our friend's birthday/Halloween party. TJ and I dressed up as Fred and Daphne from Scooby Doo. Doesn't TJ make a great Fred?!

Brigham was a Jedi knight, Marshall was Boba Fett, Kason was Anekin, and Sylvie was a cute little lady bug who didn't even have to wear her antenna hat because of her hair!!

I have no idea what they are looking at here, but I thought it was a cute picture.

This was my favorite picture of Sylvie. Even though we went the night before Halloween since Halloween fell on a Sunday, we still got PLENTY of candy! We went to the trunk or treat and then over to "Mormonville" where plenty of people were handing out candy a day early. It was great. The kids loved it because on Sunday THEY got to give out the candy. They've NEVER done that before! I wish I had pictures, but I don't!! Happy Late Halloween!