The boys had a blast and Brigham keeps asking TJ and I when we are going to leave (We are going to Monterey in Nov. and they are going to help watch the kiddos) so that they can come play with him!!
This would've been a great pic if it was more in focus.
Lovin' our adorable sis.
singing "Book of Mormon Stories" completely out of tune while Marshall reads the words before school in the morning.
becoming a future Hannah Montana.
I could not get this in focus because of all her Hannah moves!!:)
Having fun with Babbie on her birthday.
We had soooooooooooooo much fun when you guys came down, thanks so much for doing that!!! We are way excited to come watch the kids next month, woohoo!
It's going to be easy to watch the kids while TJ and Christine are gone. They will only want Uncle Kev and Aunt BB. How lucky they are to have such wonderful relatives
Love Mom
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