Saturday, September 11, 2010


This year both Kason and Brigham go to tinytots. Brig goes Tues/Thurs. and Kason goes MWF. Kason is the biggest and oldest dude in his class. Despite my best efforts to get him into Kindergarten, his October birthday just would not allow it.

For now, Kason is loving tinytots!!

This is Briggy's first year of tinytots. He was a little nervous the first few times and wanted me to come in the class with him. But now he loves it!! Here he is on the first day with his teacher Miss Lisa...

For some reason he wouldn't take a picture in front of the tinytots sign, so I took one on the stairs going up to the gym. I think his nerves got the best of him that day! I was a little hesitant to see him go. He is my last little boy!!
After tinytots it was lots of love time for little sis! He missed that girl!!

Grandma in the hospital!

We had an unexpected trip to St. George when we heard of Grandma Gardner's heart attack. She is currently at her home but needs constant care. Babbie is still with her, helping to take care of her. We made it to see Grandma in the hospital. Sorry I cut off your head in this pic Bab, please forgive me!! Keep Grandma Gardner in your prayers!
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