Sunday, February 28, 2010

Aunt Kari and UncleTerry

We had such a blast this past week with Aunt Kari and Uncle Terry!
They spent every waking moment with the kiddos and spoiled them rotten!! We did all kinds of fun things like Werley's mine and we went to the secret garden and saw the lions, dolphins and tigers (I don't have pics of that one:() Marshall was mesmerized by the dolphins and Brigham's favorite part was the lion peeing!! Kason liked eating the custard!

Werley's mine was awesome. The kids got a little scared when they turned out all the lights in the mine and told ghost stories, but other than that, they loved it!!Kari and Terry did a good job keeping up with the kids and all of their energy! Brigham is still singing his "I love Aunt Kari, she loves me song!!
Kason and I were just getting over strep throat when they came. Good Timing! Good Times!!
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M and M Madsen said...

Looks like a ton of fun! What a busy week. Hope you are feeling better.

tuffance62 said...

Cute pic's. We had so much fun with you guys!! We miss you like crazy & can't wait until we can come & visit again. Luv you all...