Sunday, May 30, 2010

No more massive tonsils and adenoids!

Kason got his tonsils and adenoids taken out by Dr. Goll who is the same doctor who took out Marshall's adenoids out in December. The doctor said they were so big that they just had to go!! Kason got a partial tonsilectomy where they don't go under the tissue, and they cauterize the two sides together. The doctor said because his tonsils weren't infected, just big, that he would do the partial. Kason couldn't wait for the day, or the minute it happened. He was not nervous at all. He was just excited to be able to eat a diet of popsicles and ice cream, not to mention lay in a bed, which are three of his favorite things!! While we were waiting Kason entertained himself by taking pictures of his little sister Sylvie, who joined us for Kason's big day!

After he took pictures of his little sis, he played peek-aboo in the blanket and couldn't control his excitement! Again, he wasn't a bit nervous. Kason's surgery experience panned out to be much different than Marshall's. They had different anesthesiologists. Kason did not receive the loopy juice, just a gas mask to put him to sleep which I didn't get to see.

This is my little interview with Kason before his surgery. Notice that he wants it done "NOW"...

This is my favorite picture which I shot just as Kason was entering the surgery room where mommy isn't allowed!! Love it!! Again, he was COMPLETELY fearless!!

After surgery I could hear Kason yelling down the hall for me. Mommy, mommy! He was in hysterics! When I got to him, he REALLY wanted to go home. He wanted to see the surprise present Babby and Grandpa got him for getting his tonsils out. The only thing that calmed him down was me rocking him and singing "Rock with me, talk with me". This is a song I made up when Marshall was a baby. He LOVES this song. Kason sang some of the words with me. It was precious.
Popsicles and daddy's arrival also helped to calm Kason down. Kason said his throat did not bother him at all. He said his hand that had the IV taped on it was hurting. He wanted it off REALLY badly!!
Sylvie pulling on the dots which were taped to Kason's chest to monitor his heart levels during surgery did not help Kason's mood. That really hurt Kason and made him sad again.

More than anything Kason wanted the bandages off of his hands. The nurse was putting it off because sometimes patients throw up if it is taken off too soon. She let his come off early because he was throwing such a fuss about it! Luckily no throw up!!

At last, Kason got his much anticipated surprise from Grandma and Grandpa. A video game where you can build your own cars, and ninjas. He was very happy! He is recovering remarkably well. He only took pain medicine twice on the day of surgery, and not because he said he was in pain! If someone off the street watched our three boys playing, I doubt he would be able to say which boy had surgery 24 hours ago! Amazing!!


M and M Madsen said...

I have been checking and checking your blog for this post. I love it! He is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO brave. I am seriously amazed. Maylee is really in pain now. I guess it took two days for her other meds to wear off and now she is having a hard time. She of course wont admit that anything hurts, but you can tell by how she is acting and how much she is sleeping. Poor little kiddos!
By the way, hope this doesn't offend you but I think Sylvie looks a little bit like ME! Wahoo!

Dad said...

That's my big brave buddy Kason. Cute pictures. I am so pleased to see him doing so well.


What a tough little man...great pictures