Monday, January 14, 2008

What we've been up to!!

I haven't had much time to blog lately, because the majority of my time has been spent potty training Kason! Finally we are making progress!! He has had a dry diaper for a few days now and almost always tells me when he has to go!! I made a potty chart and every time he tells me he has to go he gets a , you guessed it, cars sticker from the movie cars. It works like a charm!!



Wa-Hoo...Briggie & Kason, such big boys now. The potty chart is such a great idea...I think I'll try it.

summer c said...

I can't believe you are potty training Kason! I sometimes talk about it with Max but, I'm just not ready--shouldn't it be the other way around?:)

Anonymous said...

I would love to suck his lilcock, slide my fingers into his ass and gently fuckhim