Sunday, April 26, 2009

Boulder Easter Egg Hunt


Before our trip to Canada we went to the annual Boulder City Easter Egg Hunt. The kids had a blast!! Marshall got soooo much stuff and Kason and Briggy ate soooo much candy!! Fun times!
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1 comment:

M and M Madsen said...

LOVE the pictures! So glad you guys had so much fun in Canada. I think the BC egg hunt is a million times better than the one we have here. It is a bunch of super scary red necks (with no teeth) that run around collecting the eggs for their kids, and then the candy is a generic form of the real stuff that tastes like doggy-doo. Every time we leave the hunt we say... where do normal people go to do easter egg hunts around here?
Whew, long story. I also love the pic of Marshall kissing Kason!
Hope you are holding up in the heat!! Can't wait to come help out where I can so you can get a rest.