Friday, May 1, 2009

Briggy Turns 2!!


It's hard to believe that this little guy is already 2. Time flies!! Before I mention what we did for his birthday I want to write some 2 year milestones for my own records.

FAVORITE THINGS TO SAY: "mommy watch", "see mommy" or who ever he is talking to.
- "naughty ________," about whoever doesn't do something he wants
- "Is!!" when he finds something he shouts this at the top of his lungs
- "BIG ONE", about anything that is big. When he says this he lowers his voice in a cute gruff tone
- "Mommy love you, Daddy love you", he chants this in his crib again in a low gruff voice
-"Briggy did it!" and "I did it!"
- "Do it again"
FAVORITE SONG: Ever since we went to the Draper Temple open house and we rode the temple bus, Briggy can't stop talking about temple buses. Therefore his favorite song is the temple bus song (This is a song I made up which goes to the tune of I'd like to see the temple.) The other temple bus song is the wheels on the temple bus go round and round, although his favorite is the wipers which go swish, swish, swish. Whenever we pray he always whispers temple bus. It is adorable.
BRAGGING RIGHTS: He is completely potty trained. He wears Thomas underwear during the day and for naps.
FAVORITE THINGS: His bear bear which he sleeps with every night. He also loves big trucks, especially garbage trucks
FAVORITE BOOK: Bob the Builder, he likes to say "Good job Bob" and "Good job cat" at the end. Every day we hear "Read it Good job Bob!"
RANDOMS: He likes to say everything is "nice" even if it isn't so nice or he is in pain. For example after his 2 year shots he was limping around obviously in pain but if you asked him if it hurt he would say emphatically "NO NICE!!"

Now For the Actual Birthday Party

We went to Chucky Cheese on April 16 (we were still in Canada) and Aunt Kari got Brigham the party package galore!! He had sooo much fun. Chucky Cheese came out and danced for him and he was given balloons and ofcourse spoiled with lots of presents. The best part was the BIG TRUCK CAKE which Brigham whispered every day before his actual birthday. He LOVED it!! It had real trucks he could play with and pretend dirt. It was absolutely perfect for him!! On the airplane ride home Brig got to sit in his own seat because he was now officially 2. He was soooo proud!!

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M and M Madsen said...

Man I love that little guy. What a cute post with those super facts! I loved the cake.

The Calvert Family said...

You have the perfect little family! I love you guys.

The Richardson squadron said...

Happy birthday Brig! It sounds like you had a great day.