Sunday, April 25, 2010

Brigham is 3!!

Brigham is now 3! Wow!! There are so many things to say about this special little guy at three. Where to begin?

- His favorite cat is Opey cat. In fact every cat he sees is Opey cat to him (my brother's cat in Canada). For some reason this cat really made an impression on him. A couple of nights ago he must have had a really vivid dream because the first thing he said when he woke up was that the naughty opey cat bit him on the leg really hard, but then he put on his big superman muscles and his superman belt and punched that naughty Opey cat. He even made us put a bandaid on the "Opey cat bite". It was hilarious!

- He LOVES Superman. He thinks he is Superman. He wore his superman costume more days than I can remember this past year! This is why we got him the new and improved superman costume for his birthday shown here...

-Brigham is an extremely easy going little guy. He can entertain himself for a while. He always sings or chants before taking a nap, going to bed or driving in the car. Once he is in bed for the night or for a nap, he won't get out until you come in to get him. Isn't that the greatest? I think so.
-He is a total home body. He would rather be home than anywhere else. This is new to me cause my other kids were just the opposite.
-He hates syrup because he doesn't like getting sticky.
-He comes up with the funniest sayings. His latest thing to say is "What do ya know Joe"? He is ALWAYS saying things that just crack us up.
- He likes grotesque things like. I know this sounds strange, but he loves to look at disgusting things. Some examples are... he always examines a cock roach before daddy throws it away (notice I didn't say mommy?!:) He couldn't stop talking about the blood when his brother got hurt, and he wanted to see it. When I am changing Sylvie's diaper he wants to see the poop. He smells his stinky feet. Need I go on? I didn't think so.
- He has NEVER had a potty accident, NEVER!! He was potty trained before he was 2 and never wore pull-ups to bed, just underwear and hasn't had an accident. Dreamy, I know.
-He talked about his superman party for 6 months before we actually had it. Ever since Halloween when he saw his buddies Kai and Sean had superman costumes he knew he wanted a party where everyone wore their superman costume. So that's what we did. Sooo cute!!
-His hair still naturally sticks up which I hope never goes away!!
-He talks about pot pie as if it is the only food there is. For example he thanks Heavenly Father for pot pie during a prayer. I guess I have made pot pie one too many times! The funny thing is that he doesn't even like pot pie. Then, when dad introduced him to Popeye, he kept calling him pot pie. Very funny!!
-He can handle no naps better than his brothers did at the same age. He doesn't get nearly as grumpy.
-When he went into "big boy" nursery he told his new teacher that he bites babies. He doesn't bite anyone or anything!! His teacher was a bit nervous at first but then learned that he was all talk no action!!
-He picks up vocabulary words really quickly. For example the other night he said somebody on TV was really "impressive".
-He likes to pretend he is Pecos Bill and uses a rope for a lasso. He LOVES most weapons.
-After he turned 3 he said "When I was younger.......but now I am 3"! Such a funny guy.

On that note let's talk about the much anticipated....

Superman Birthday Party!!

All of the kids were supposed to wear superman costumes. Only Sean didn't want to because he said it was too hot. Oh well, you can't win them all!

The first game we played was save the red balloons, drop, kick punch all other balloons, but be careful because kryptonite (whipped cream) is in some balloons!

The second game we played was "Save Grandpa". On the way to untying Grandpa all of the little supermen had to go through an obstacle course. They had fun with this, especially Grandpa!!

After the games we had some pizza (they were supposed to have the superman symbol on them but dominos didn't come through). Then it was time to blow out the candles, and for superman cupcakes. Yummy!

After we ate it was time for the superman pinata!! Good thing they were still little enough that I could make one out of a brown paper bag, since we couldn't find one ANYWHERE!!

The weather could not have been more perfect! We brought the fabulous truck to entertain the little supermen, and ofcourse Brig LOVED opening his presents!!

Until next year Superman.......

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M and M Madsen said...

Loved reading all of that about Briggy! What a fun party. He is getting so so so big!

Britney said...

Oh my gosh - that looks like such a fun party! I love the games - the "kryptonite" balloons and saving grandpa! How perfect were those? Fun, fun! Brigham is such a cute kid and so sweet. We sure love that guy!

K said...

That is the coolest idea for a party ever, I want Brig to be my party planner for my next b-day bash!