Thursday, April 29, 2010


Marshall got hit in the face with a baseball bat while trying to teach his friend Emma some baseball tricks. He was standing behind her and he said he didn't know she was going to swing. What a day!! I was upstairs putting Sylvie to bed and I heard Marshall screaming and crying and saying that his eye hurt so much. When I got downstairs all I could see was blood streaming out of his face. I panicked and tried to take care of the blood the best I could. Thank heavens TJ had just left , after coming home for lunch, to go to his Henderson office. I called him right away and told him he needed to turn around NOW!! Daddy to the rescue! He was completely calm (unlike mommy) and assessed the injury. It sure is nice having an eye doctor husband/daddy!! He comforted me by saying Marshall didn't have any broken bones, and that we just needed to put ice on it. Phew!!

After the initial scare, a couple of days later, his eye kept looking worse and worse. It made me feel horrible! I had a hard time dealing with it. I am NOT a fan of head injuries!! He is my first born. Marshall is the only one of all our kids that we have taken to the emergency room, had stitches or had ANY accidents with. But, a couple days after his eye looked worse, his eye started looking great. It is now healing very quickly. In fact, it looks better and better every day.
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M and M Madsen said...

Poor little dude. It is so nice that Daddy could help out. I would have freaked out too. He looks so old in this picture!

M and M Madsen said...

I know just how you feel. Michaun broke her arm once doing backwalk overs--while I was looking at her. Sure makes you scared!! I'm so glad it is getting better. Grandpa called and told me when it happened. I really wanted to be there -- even though it was already being taken care of. I miss all my boys and Sylvie. Love all of you SOOOO MUCH! BABBIE

Britney said...

That is scary! Glad he is okay - what a trooper!

K said...

I am glad his eye is getting better, that would have been scary, tough kid.


Such a nice SHINER!!! 2 thumbs up little man.