Friday, February 22, 2008

Go away yucky flu, GO AWAY!!!

This is the Briggy we all know and love. He is the guy who just wants to have fun and get crazy with his brothers and kick his legs and wave his arms. This Briggy NEVER cuddles, always wants to be a part of the action and really doesn't like to be held that much. He pulls himself up on everything and gets into everything!! (These were taken on Sunday)

Now the awful flu has struck our normally very active little guy and has left him very lethargic and caused him to reach a temp. of 103 degrees! I HATE seeing him like this, although there are a few perks, like he only wants to cuddle ALL day long!:) He is just the cutest little guy ever (besides his brothers ofcourse:))! It seems like everyone around us has kids with some kind of sickness and this is VERY mild in comparison. This being said, it is still REALLY hard to see my little guy like this!! The motrin seems to be doing the trick, and there is nothing left to do but let it run its course!!



I'm sorry to hear that Briggie is still feeling sick, he is such a sweet little boy. The picture of you & him is precious. Love You Guys, get well soon Briggie.

summer c said...

So he did get sick, dang it! 103? Wow. That is high. Max had 104 and I was wiggin out.
I read your tag. I think those are fun. I think I knew most of those things. Some that you have told me and some that were just obvious from knowing you.
Thanks for dinner. Everyone has been so thoughtful through all this. It has seriously been an emotional roller coaster. One second they think he's okay and the next we/they are not sure. All you can really do is wait and see if things get worse or improve and go from there. I am seriously just sick of it. I feel peace about it all but am totally sick of the roller coaster.

K said...

we were sad to hear Brig got so sick. I am finally over the worst from my bout. We are praying for you all.

Tara said...

Hey Christine!! Glad you left that comment on my blog! Too bad I am such a slacker and never check it! :) Your boys are adorable and you look great! Hope that the little guy gets to feeling better soon! I HATE seeing my guys sick in any way!