Saturday, February 16, 2008

Valentines Day Fun!!

Our Valentines Day was full of HEARTS, HEARTS, HEARTS!! It started off with heart shaped pink pancakes for breakfast. They were pink because of beet that I pureed into them! I know you are thinking gross! But you can even ask TJ they were pretty darn good if I do say so myself!! Marshall said they tasted like bananas and chocolate!! It's amazing what good things they will eat if they are tricked!!:) For lunch we had peanut butter and honey sandwiches in the shape of hearts, and for dinner we had heart-shaped pizza.

Ofcourse Babby and Grandpa came over and brought the REAL treats! Marshall had been wanting candy all day and Babby and Grandpa finally delivered!! Marshall liked Babby to read him what every candy heart said, and I mean EVERY one!!! Even Brigham got to enjoy some candy as you can tell by his overly excited expression!!!

The next day TJ surprised me by taking me to a VERY nice dinner at China Grill (highly remommended!) It was a great end to a GREAT Valentines!!!


M and M Madsen said...

ok, that picture of briggy with the candy cane should win an award! Also, what a great idea to use Beet Juice. Maylee LOVES beets. I am going to try it next weekend because we always have our weekend pancakes.


Love the new pictures & all the heart shaped food.

Britney said...
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Britney said...

That is so cute to do all of the food in heart shapes to celebrate Valentine's Day - you are good. That would have been way too much work for me. I love how Marshall and Kayson are SOOO cheesy in their've got some handsome boys!

K said...

The kids have TJ's smile, ha haha, I am impressed with all the heart food ideas, pretty cool. Brig looks sooooo cute in that picture! ALthough the energy he is portraying did make me have a Gremlins flash back but I am ok now.

Tarrish said...

Okay. I need to get down to Vegas. Your boys are getting SO big, and they probably don't even remember who I am anymore. That makes me sad:( So...Vegas here I come. Hopefully soon!