Saturday, February 2, 2008

We made it to the snow at last!!

Yes, it is true, there is snow in Nevada about an hour and a half from where we live and I took pictures to prove it!! It took us a while to get here because of that miserable cold that was going around, but it was worth the wait to get to the snow!! We went with our fabulous friends the Corderman family and had a blast!! The boys could not stand all of the layers involved in getting ready for our adventure (I don't know how my parents did it all the time!!), but once they were all bundled up, the games began!! We all took turns sliding down the hill!! They loved sliding down but the climbing back up again was NOT their favorite part. Every time we made it to the bottom of the hill, Kason would say he wanted to keep "driving." They don't quite understand the concept of gravity yet!! Even Briggy liked sliding down the hill!! Marshall took turns going down all by himself!! He is getting so big!! I tried to get an action shot but by the time I got my camera ready everyone had had enough!! We tried to made a snowman but the snow was not wet enough, so we settled for sledding!! Oh, and by the way, Briggy is wearing a pink snow suit because our friends who we borrowed it from only have girls!! We got there early enough to miss all of the crowds and had the hill pretty much to ourselves, but by the time we left we could not believe how many more people showed up!! We definitely came at the right time!!



Great pic's, where are those Corderman's...JK We had a blast. Looking forward to the next adventure.

M and M Madsen said...

Ok, too cute! However, do realize that I will be using the picture of Briggy in a "hot pink jumpsuit" against him (and TJ) in the future.
Your pictures make me wish we had some more snow here to play in. Luv you guys!

M and M Madsen said...

oops - I meant to say "realise" - ha ha. Not as threating when I can't spell it right (ha ha ha).

M and M Madsen said...

threatening (ok, now I am going to bed- clearly too tired to be posting!!)

The Richardson squadron said...

It looks like y'all had a great time! But...of course I have to comment on the PINK snowsuit. I suppose you can use that photo as leverage when he's older...and I have to agree with Michaun...TJ what were you thinking!?!?! We miss you!

KJ said...

And finally the truth comes out, they made Briggy wear the pink suit so someone would match TJ (although TJ swapped coats with Eric for the picture leaving Brigg to bear the burden alone). Seriously though, great pics, such a great family

Jessica and Chris said...

Yes, nice snowsuit Brigham! I thought he was Mason!

summer c said...

So glad that you finally made it. Looks so fun. We are driving to Utah next week and will save that as our days in the snow.

Anonymous said...

Well said.