Sunday, April 13, 2008

Briggy's 1st Haircut!!

Here's the before and after pics! It took me awhile to agree to TJ's pleas to cut Briggy's skate dog hair. I knew he would look better with a hair cut, but part of me didn't want to let go of my baby, as silly as that may sound, and I felt that a hair cut meant that my baby was growing up. Well, I know he is growing up, but it's happening a little too fast for me!! I was going to wait until he turned 1 (which is on Wednesday) but I am glad I caved. He is such a cutie!!


M and M Madsen said...

he looks sooooooooo much like your other boys now- wow so cute!!


What a little stud, love the haircut.

Tiffany said...

Way Cute Christine!!! And he's ONE this WEDNESDAY??!! Wow! I can't believe he's a year already!

PS-Mother's Day next month!!!! You know what that means! ;)

The Richardson squadron said...

I love the haircut! I can't believe he's going to be one...and we haven't even seen him (outside the belly) yet!! Kisses to all your boys!

K said...

Wow, he really does look like Marshall used to now. Great haircut!

Britney said...

Yep- definitely like the haircut for sure. He was rockin' the skate dog hair though - but I think shorter is better. I can't believe he'll be one year old either! WHOA!

summer c said...

He looks so cute! How come we always gotta talk our husbands into stuff like that?! Crazies!

Natalie said...

Wow! He looks so cute and older with his haircut! I agree with you - it took me forever to cut Cameron's hair the first time. To me it was just cute baby hair, but it took my brother on his mission seeing a picture of him and commenting on his MULLET for me to finally cut it! Haha :)

Let me know when the park days or Mom luncheons are! We'd love to come up for a day! We miss everyone!!