Thursday, April 17, 2008

Briggy's 1st Birthday!!

Some things to remember about Briggy at 1 year:

When he moos like a cow, he tilts his head back and says moo
He says dat and dis and points toward something if he wants it
He loves to be outside
He is very headstrong and opinionated
If there is something that happens that he doesn't want, he is very loud and vocal and expresses his dislike very well
He thinks he is one of the boys in every way
His favorite things are his bear bear that Babby gave him, his pacifier, balls, mommy, daddy, Grandpa, and his brothers
He dances by moving his arms and saying ah, ah, ah, ah
He's the pickiest eater we have had yet
He's the BEST sleeper ever
He crawls, doesn't walk yet, but pulls himself onto and everything and walks along the couch and with mommy
He loves to dump things out and make messes
He loves to play with his brothers
He initiates most games i.e hide and seek, blow into horn, put something on your head
Grunts when he gets tired
Mimicks almost any facial expression (favorite is sticking his tongue out at Grandpa)
Good at mimicking most words
When he wants to eat or drink he says "eat" and strongly stresses the "T" sound
He loves to throw himself back into the corner of the couch
He points at things he wants very seriously, usually pushing his arm against his cheek
Words to date:
duck, dat, dis, mamma, dadda, ball, hat, broda (brother), eat, answers "yes" if you ask him a question, a complex series of grunts that communicate any need or emotion he has

We love you Brigham! You are such a blessing in our lives. Happy Birthday!!

P.S. Hit "View all images" if you don't want to see the Hawaiian dude!:)


M and M Madsen said...

Happppy birthday Briggy! You did a good job on those pics and slide show. I love how it ends with the boys riding off in the sunset!
Briggy's face is priceless when he sits on that little toy - so happy.
I love the cake you made too- good work!!

Dad said...

That was so much fun and is equally fun to watch it again. You captured Brigham's personality perfectly. Your getting really good with the cake decorating. That will come in very handy through the years.

KJ said...

What a great post, slideshow and music! I will have to start asking you for pointers on blogging now! Love you guys. Kev


I love all the new pictures, your boys are adorable. Happy Birthday Brigs.

summer c said...

Briggy is so cute! I love that you documented all he does to date.
I really want to try and get to the temple next week. I'll call you and let you know/you let me know if next week works or the on tuesday or something. Max's birthday is on wednesday so for sure not that day.
Where is preschool this week?