Friday, June 13, 2008

Legoland Returns

They look scared to be in a shark made out of legos mouth, don't they?!

This ride was a blast if you didn't mind getting wet! Another reason legoland is so cool is that they have what is called a child swap. Translation- Dad rides with the boys and then mom can without waiting in the long lines. Isn't that cool? Again, I LOVE legoland!

The boys loved the airplanes!

This ride was one of the best rides at Legoland. It is the Indiana Jones ride for little guys! You shoot targets with a laser gun and you get points. I tried to snap a shot of them when they were on the ride but it was blurry, so here they are at the entrance.
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1 comment:

corrie said...

That looks like a totally fun place! I've never heard of it. Nash LOVES legos. Looks like you had a very fun vacation.