Saturday, June 14, 2008


When we first walked into Seaworld there was a guy carrying a baby alligator. It was fun for the boys to touch it!

The flamingos were a hit. Notice Marshall on the back of the stroller - this is how he was toted the first few days, but then that changed...To be continued.:)

This is us in the fat mirror. The boys got a kick out of this!!

The boys always love the penguins (that is what they are looking at here.) We took Marshall to Seaworld when he was 1 and they were his favorite then too. Grandpa and Babby gave the boys $20 to spend on what ever they wanted and Marshall chose the penguins and the sharks to decorate his bed.
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1 comment:


I love Sea World but it does sound like LegoLand was the place to be at least for the time being. By the way...what a sweetheart Tony is for cleaning up the house...that is as good as getting to go on vacation.