Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Success on Craig's List and Ebay!!

About 3 weeks ago we went into Henderson and spent the day looking for a bike for Marshall. To make a long story short, we did not come home with a bike, and I have to admit, I was a little bummed. I was really anxious for Marshall to learn how to ride a bike with training wheels. Well, when we got home I got the feeling to look on Craig's list. Lo and behold there was not just one, but two bikes, so both Marshall and Kason could have one!! They were Mongoose bikes which are pretty expensive and they were only $25 for both of them!! They were at the end of the 215, and it was kind of a thug neighborhood. TJ thought they might have stolen them once upon a time!! Well, that wasn't our concern, we were so excited to get the bikes! When we got them home we realized Marshall's bike needed new pedals , training wheels, and they definitely needed to be cleaned
up!! Our sweet Grandpa surprised the boys and cleaned up the bikes so they looked just like new and he even got new pedals for Marshall's bike!! We love you Grandpa!! The only problem was not having the training wheels. I looked on e-bay and found brand new Mongoose training wheels and won for only $2.50!! I was pretty proud of myself, being a first-time e-bay purchase and all!! Anyways, the training wheels finally arrived (they came from Pensylvania), just this morning so we still need to put them on Kason's bike and Kason can't wait!! We have gone to the park a few times with Marshall riding his bike (Marshall is doing awesome on his bike, way better than we thought he would do!!) and Kason and Brigham in the stroller. Kason has no problem getting in the stroller with his little buddy Briggy. One time, when he wasn't ready to go, we told him he had to get in to protect his little brother. Right then, no questions asked, Kason raced into the stroller and put his arm around his little buddy!! Soooo cute!!


M and M Madsen said...

Ok, first- where are Kason's pants (ha ha ha). I love that story that he had to protect his brother. What a sweet guy! Those bikes look awesome- good work finding the bargains!!

Esther said...

Congrats on Criagslist and Ebay...I'm still waiting for my Craiglist break, but it's just so much fun to look for great deals:) We need to send Ava out to NV to hang out with your boys--maybe they could interest her in wheels. She got a trike for her B-day and has no interest in using the pedals...really quite sad to watch her shuffling around w/ her feet.:)


Nice job Christine, those bikes look awesome. Your boys are getting so big.

Britney said...

Oh man, your boys are getting so big! I can't believe Marshall and Kayson are already learning how to ride bikes! And those bikes look awesome! How fun!

Anonymous said...

You do not know me, but I have been searching the internet for the last year looking for the bikes that were stolen from my front yard, turns out you just bought them for $25.
Richey "The Jet" Gebheart"

K said...

I am stoked the boys have bikes, I come down there next Sunday or Monday and can't wait to see all of you guys! P.S. Tell Marshall I am so proud of the way he can sing "Soy Un Hijo De Dios"! That was the cutest thing ever!!!

Tarrish said...

Wow Christine! I'm so proud of your Ebay purchase:) I've made a few purchases myself on there, but not for $2.50. What a bargain!

Anonymous said...

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